Keeping Your Cylinders Safe from Theft: Solutions for Cylinder Tracking and Security

Missing cylinders has been an issue in the gas industry, creating a disastrous problem for gas distributors. Their response was installing increasingly sophisticated tracking and management systems.

Cylinders It’s crucial to be on high alert for cylinder theft. The trend of using nitrous oxide as a recreational drug has led to increased robberies, causing companies to lose revenue. As metal prices spike, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to continuously replace lost cylinders.

There are many options when it comes to cylinder management, such as inventory audits, customer invoicing, bar coding, transponders, or a combination of these methods.

Find out more about what gas distributors are doing to prevent cylinder theft.


Barcoding cylinders was a tracking technique in use for a while, but the typical barcode tracking system had many disadvantages, such as low memory, non-rewritable property, and high-sensitivity toward direct light and moisture.

The growing competition in the industry caused companies to seek alternative methods for cylinder tracking.

RFID Tracking

Cylinders Companies that were open to modern technology and innovation adopted radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology.

RFID proved to be more cost-effective than barcoding technology, which is always a positive in the industry and profitability. The biggest advantage to RFID, however, was the lack of labor that it required. It didn’t rely on humans to operate. Instead, it required three main components: a scanning antenna, a transceiver, and RFID tags.

Benefits of Sophisticated Logistics Solutions

These refined solutions offer many benefits that work to keep your cylinders safe rather than untracked and open for theft.

  • Real-time data: With old methods, you never knew where your cylinders were. Modern solutions allow you to access accurate data in a timely manner in order to make more informed decisions.
  • More accuracy in deliveries: With this technology, the correct cylinder gets to the right customer every time.
  • Safety of workers and customers:When cylinders that are damaged or on a recall list are delivered to a company location for servicing, it could be dangerous for workers or customers. Logistics solutions can eliminate these cylinders so the right product is delivered and safety is never compromised.
  • Cost-efficiency: With these solutions, the process is improved and automated, meaning that the cost is reduced and error is eliminated. With the elimination of error, there won’t be money spent on correction. Automated operations deliver a large cost reduction.
  • Adaptable dynamic solutions: They utilize architecture that’s flexible, so it can be adapted to any plant.

Consider these methods to keep your cylinders safe from theft and reduce the amount of money your company is spending replacing missing cylinders.

CPV Manufacturing serves the following industries: ship building, petrochemical, and industrial gases. In these industries, valves and fittings must be high quality and perform efficiently and accurately. A faulty product could result in disastrous damage, and that’s why companies in these industries rely on CPV for their non-failing valves and fittings.

Contact CPV Manufacturing for more information.

New Biomaterial is a Surprising Stepping Stone to Make Hydrogen Powered Vehicles Main Stream

Within the specialty gas industry, there has been a high demand for greener fuel sources. This demand can decrease emissions and provide a more sustainable approach to fuel that consumers use. One of these greener fuel sources includes hydrogen, however, this source is not always readily available to consumers.

While many agree that hydrogen is beneficial to the environment and companies, the problem is that there is a lack of availability when it comes to obtaining hydrogen. Furthermore, finding hydrogen at a reasonable prices has also been a challenge.

Accessible Hydrogen Filling Stations

Hydrogen Powered VehiclesBecause hydrogen is a reliable source of green fuel but isn’t always accessible, it’s important to increase the awareness to make it more available to consumers. The US Department of Energy (DOE) launched H2USA to address this. According to the Alternative Fuels Data Center, these efforts are “focused on advancing hydrogen infrastructure to support more transportation energy options for U.S. consumers.”

The partnership with fuel cell electric vehicle original equipment manufacturers will help with transition barriers as well as provide data needed as hydrogen vehicles begin to arise on the market. The market will expand, as a result, and facilities will either be hydrogen based only or pumps within other fuel centers.

Powering Hydrogen Fueled Cars

Hydrogen Powered VehiclesHydrogen fueled cars haven’t been fully realized, due largely in part to the fact that electrolysis can be difficult and expensive. Electrolysis is the process in which the hydrogen and oxygen gases are separated by electric current.

However, the notes that “Nature Chemistry recently included a paper that detailed the newly found method. The scientists created a biomaterial that can divide the two elements in water. Called P22-Hyd, it is a modified enzyme protected by a protein shell. Together, the material reacts and catalyzes the separation process, enabling hydrogen to form at a rate of 150 times more efficiency.”

This enzyme is sustainable and, therefore, makes the process more affordable. While the traditional method of hydrogen separation includes platinum which is expensive, P22-Hyd doesn’t have to be mined. In addition, it’s biodegradable.

P22-Hyd could make hydrogen fueled cars a plausible possibility.

The Relationship between Fueling Stations and Hydrogen Fueled Cars

GasWorld Magazine also discusses the benefits of fueling stations and how it can make hydrogen fueled cars a better option. “Not only can hydrogen fueling technology play an integral role in reducing CO2emissions but it can also improve air quality and combat climate change. Drivers benefit from a quieter and more comfortable driving experience due to the quiet operation and smooth acceleration of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. There’s also little sacrifice to transport performance with refueling taking less than three minutes and hydrogen powered vehicles offering the same range and speed as conventional vehicles.”

Fueling stations are becoming more and more common as different technologies are being used.

To learn about CPV Manufacturing, contact us today!

Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance in Plant Design

When you’re running a facility, you want to make sure that it runs smoothly and will continue to do so, especially when you’re dealing with something that can be potentially disastrous if it malfunctions, such as gas pipeline compressors. You’ll explore choices such as the great debate of predictive maintenance vs preventive maintenance in plant design.

Preventive Maintenance

predictive maintenance vs preventive maintenanceOne preventive measure in place for compressor units is an alarm or a fault condition that protects the equipment from damage. However, they work by sounding when the alarm is out of service and personnel have to deal with the situation. At this point, it’s probably too late.

Preventive maintenance creates scenarios that are more reactive, so there isn’t a lot of time to prepare in the event that something does happen and personnel must act quickly.

And there may not always be backup or standby to replace a malfunctioning piece of equipment, which will cause additional bottlenecks.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance relies on techniques, inspections, and tests that will ensure products won’t fail any time soon. This system monitors equipment while it’s actively in service to give personnel a better alert if problematic conditions are detected. Faulty products will be pulled right away to avoid results that could put your facility in a crisis.

This approach also provides more flexibility in choosing when to service equipment to maximize efficiency. It allows your personnel to repair something during downtime when there will be less impact on overall operations.

It’s important to remember that predictive maintenance must be performed while the equipment is in normal operation without process interruption. This ensures that the equipment is being evaluated during its regular functions so any problems are easily identifiable.

The use of technology during predictive maintenance can also determine the presence of a defect that can’t be identified otherwise.

About CPV

predictive maintenance vs preventive maintenanceCPV Manufacturing serves the following industries: shipbuilding, petrochemical, and industrial gases. In these industries, valves and fittings must be high quality and perform efficiently and accurately. A faulty product could result in disastrous damage, and that’s why companies in these industries rely on CPV for their non-failing valves and fittings.

The US Navy counts on CPV to equip their vessels with valves and fittings that meet government standards. CPV Manufacturing’s Quality Management System is certified in the areas of Design, Material, Fabrication, and Testing and has been approved to meet the requirement of MIL-I-45208, SUBSAFE Level 1, EB 2678.

CPV works in the company and with partners to achieve the common vision and look into the future and inside the present to make the company, products, employees, and customers better.

Contact us to learn more about CPV Manufacturing and their products.

The Future of LNG Supplies in the Middle East

LNGOf the world’s total gas reserves, the Middle East (mainly Qatar and Iran) provides 43%. However, just because the Middle East has vast resources doesn’t mean it doesn’t rely on imports for its energy. The LNG industry is progressing rapidly due to high demand around the globe.

While Qatar provides 30% of LNG to gas-deficit regions, these areas have begun shifting from relying on the Middle East for the majority of LNG exports as US and Australia are making strides to overtake this position. Learn more about these emerging trends.

Because the industry is progressing at a fast pace, countries that are rich in resources are competing to supply LNG, including the US.

Major LNG Projects in the US

These projects have been approved by the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) and provide a total capacity of 9.22 billion ft3/d.  Exports will increase profit, create millions in tax revenue and produce thousands of jobs in the US. Learn more about the major LNG projects in the US.

  • Sabine Pass: Cheniere Energy, among the leading companies in North America, is developing onshore LNG export terminals and related natural gas pipelines along the U.S. Gulf Coast. The Sabine Pass LNG terminal is made up of 1,000 acres of land that run along the Sabine Pass River on the border between Texas and Louisiana. It’s 3.7 nautical miles from the coast, with two docks and 5 storage tanks.
  • Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC is a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy. This project involves the development of an export terminal at one of Cheniere’s existing sites. This is being designed with an expected production capacity of up to 13.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG. This site is located at the La Quinta Channel in San Patricio County, Texas on 1,000 acres. It’s approximately 15 nautical miles from the coast.
  • Cameron LNG: This proposed project will add natural gas liquefaction and export facilities to its existing terminal in Hackberry, Louisiana. This terminal is along the Calcasieu Ship Channel, located 18 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. These facilities will be comprised of three trains that will be able to export up to 12 million mtpa of liquefied natural gas.
  • Cove Point LNG: Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP is the owner of the Dominion Cove Point Liquefaction Project, and is a joint venture between IHI E&C and Kiewit Energy Company. Cove Point has seven storage tanks at the terminal: four original, one placed in 2004, and two placed in 2008.
  • Freeport LNG: Freeport LNG Development LP is a terminal located on Quintana Island which utilization the dock, storage and equipment that is already in place. Freeport LNG’s natural gas liquefaction project is set to add approximately 13.9 million metric tons per year of nominal liquefaction capability to its facilities.

These US products continue to be in construction to bring US revenue and produce jobs.

If you’re interested in learning about CPV Manufacturing and their products, contact us today.

3 Ways the FloMaster Air Operated Valves Have Improved Industrial Gas Manufacturing

In the oil and gas industries, the products must operate as they were designed to in order to minimize risks that could end up in injuries and damage.

CPV Manufacturing’s FloMaster Air-Operated Valves, are used in conjunction with automated PLC controls in industrial gas-filling facilities. These facilities are increasing their efficiency, profit and accuracy, even for complex, specialty gas mixtures that are filling and mixing by weight gravimetrically. Find out more about the FloMaster Air-Operated Valves and learn how you can benefit from them.

Automated Valves

Air Operated ValvesWhile most valve systems require the man power of a human to manually open and close the valves, FloMaster Air-Operated valves are automated valves. Human controls created an inconsistency in the filling of compressed gas mixtures, causing fills to be rejected. As part of an automated filling system using PLC’s and customized software which controls when to open and close the valves, maximizing operator efficiency and consistent fills minimizing the chance of mistake and human error.

Air Actuation

The FloMaster Air-Operated Valves utilize the pneumatic valve actuator with proven positive shutoff technology. This provided a more accurate way for industrial gas distributors and producers to control their cylinder filling and mixing operations. The air-actuated valves are used with the O-Seal System leakproof valves and fittings for optimum safety and efficiency.

Precision Mixing

Because of the automated valves used in conjunction with automated cylinder filling equipment, the FloMaster provides the ability to fill a precise mixture of gas based on predetermined programmed recipes so you can be certain you’re getting the right mixture every time.

Today, CPV is known around the world for not only the FloMaster air operated shutoff valves, but also the O-Seal Leak-proof System of high pressure valves and fittings, the Mark VIII system or tube size valves and fittings, and the new G-Series stainless steel shutoff, needle and check valves.

About CPV

CPV Manufacturing serves the following industries: ship building, petrochemicals, and industrial gases. In these industries, valves and fittings must be high-quality and perform efficiently and accurately.

The US Navy relies on CPV Manufacturing products to deliver high quality products to keep their vessels running smoothly, and these standards far surpass commercial requirements. All CPV products are delivered to customers meeting all standards of performance, reliability and quality.

CPV Manufacturing’s Quality Management System is certified in the areas of Design, Material, Fabrication and Testing and has been approved to meet the requirement of MIL-I-45208, SUBSAFE Level 1, EB 2678.

CPV designs and manufactures products that exceed industry and customer specifications, making them the obvious choice when it comes to selecting valves and fittings. CPV’s valves were designed in the 1950s and have since provided to be the most interchangeable and durable products in the industry today. Their long-lasting success is proof of this as CPV products have been in the market for 30-50 years.

Contact us to learn more about CPV Manufacturing and their products.

Improving Gas Stability with Cylinder Technology

It’s essential to achieve gas stability within a cylinder so that the composition of the gas or gas mixture will remain within the defined, acceptable limits for a designated period of time, even prolonged storage. We will review improving gas stability with cylinder technology in-depth below.

Cylinder TechnologyMeeting this goal isn’t always easy, as many factors can affect the stability of gases within cylinders. Some of these factors include the reactions that occur within the gases themselves, the pressure within the cylinders, the length of the storage time, temperature variations, and chemical reactions with the metallic cylinder interiors.

The long-term stability of reactive gases can be problematic due to the concentration of the gas molecules as well as the molecules inside the cylinder. This can occur through chemical reaction, adsorption, and phase change.

It’s even more challenging to prevent reactions within small-volume cylinders due to the greater ratio of internal surface area to internal volume.

And as gas combinations became more complex with multiple components, such as high-purity, ultra-high purity, and research-grade specialty gases certified to purity levels of 99.999% or higher, maintaining stability became more difficult.

Aluminum Cylinders vs. Steel Cylinders

Conventional steel cylinders are typically the most popular choice, but aluminum cylinders became popular for portable gas containment, as this material is lighter in weight. However, gas companies also found that the gas stability with a variety of reactive gases was better in the aluminum cylinders than in steel cylinders.

Specialty Gas Applications

There are many specialty gas applications that utilize aluminum cylinders such as electronics manufacturing, including semiconductor production that requires high-purity nitrogen (N2) and arsine (AsH3), as well as a variety of custom-formulated gases.

Medical markets also use aluminum cylinders for medical gases in biotechnology and biopharmacology for research and laboratory gases as well as high-purity and ultra-high purity therapeutic gases and gas blends.

Chemical and refining processes such as research and laboratory gases used for testing also use aluminum cylinders.

Enhancing Stability with Cylinder Technology

To enhance specialty gas stability, companies are coming up with techniques that minimize active sites or catalytic surfaces within the cylinders. Some of the most common techniques include the following:

  • Inspecting cylinders through a visual examination. If it doesn’t show signs of visible contamination, it’s passed through.
  • Vacuum checks are performed to ensure that the cylinder is free of moisture caused by surface films.
  • Washing the interior of the cylinder by agitation with a mild detergent and rising with de-ionized water.
  • Polishing the interior mechanically or chemically can replace washing.
  • Putting a cylinder in an oven for eight hours at temperatures between 100°F and 150°F will remove moisture and contaminants from moisture. This is referred to as baking out. During this process, you can also repeatedly purge the cylinder with an ultra-high purity inert gas like ultra-dry nitrogen with a dew point of -130°F. Then pulling a vacuum.

By understanding these tips and considering these methods, you may be successful in achieving gas stability within your cylinders.

For information about CPV Manufacturing and their products, contact us.

The O-SEAL Valve: The Big Difference Small Valves Can Have in the Gas Filling Process

In the gas industry, products must perform correctly in order to operate safely and effectively as well as to reduce risks. CPV Manufacturing’s products are designs that have become crucial to this industry in the daily function of packaged gas operations and fill plants. These products help with the plants’ productivity and accuracy.

CPV’s O-SEAL fittings have been installed in numerous gas-filling facilities around the world and have become a standard with many gas manufacturers worldwide. CPV’s valves and fittings are known for their leak-proof performance, safety, and operative reliability.

The O-SEAL is specific to small valves found in processing sections of refineries. The seal controls the amount of greenhouse gas emitted. When the stem opens and closes the valve, there are fugitive emissions standards for a very fine amount of gas that can leak through the stem. Because of the opening and closing, a microscopic amount of gas leaks through the seal, but the fugitive emissions sets a stringent limit.

Our O-SEAL valves and fittings for the industrial gas industry are qualified under Fugitive Emissions standard ISO 15848 and leads the industry in having small valves, meaning valves under 2 inches, that qualify to the stringent standard of Fugitive Emissions.

O-Seal valves and fittings are independently tested by laboratories that tested the standard and are unique to CPV in the way that they’re are up to 3 inches, but they go up to 48 inches. The standard is very stringent.

O-Seal hand valves are flat faced and soft seated and are differentiated from other valves because of their reputation for leak-proof reliability and long service life. In addition, O-SEAL hand valves provide low torque and a hand tighten positive bubble tight seal.

The O-SEAL line includes shut off, needle, check, and relief valves that are rated for vacuum to 6,000 psi (413 BAR) in liquid or gas service. These valves will function from -65°F (-54°C) to 400°F (204°C). The O-SEAL valve line handles the most elusive gases, such as helium and hydrogen, and accommodates pipe and tube size ranging from 1/8 to 2 inches.

CPV’s unique O-SEAL System design has a flexible O-ring that’s recessed into a close tolerance groove on each of the flat-faced union ends for slip-in/slip-out convenience. This creates a bubble tight seal that can withstand heavy vibrations or pressure surges far better than gasket or metal-to-metal type seals.

O-SEAL System valves also provide users with a cost-of-maintenance advantage in an interchangeable valve cartridge. The soft goods within the cartridge are removable and can be specified in different materials for special applications. The software group is determined by compatibility with the liquid or gas and the temperature range of the application. The cartridge can be easily removed from the valve to be fixed or replaced, so you’ll avoid the cost of purchasing a new valve.

Contact us to learn more about our O-SEAL valves and fittings for industrial gas industries.

Why Your Filling Plants Should Meet Government-Level Standards

The quality and safety of your cylinder filling plant is of utmost important. The design must be created with a strong manufacturing engineer, with components that regulate oxygen throughout the entire process. One of the most essential elements of the filling plant is the valves and fittings that are opened and closed when mixing gases.

filling plantCPV Manufacturing is recognized as the leader and innovator globally in the industrial gas industry for more than a century. The high-quality valves and fittings are used within the oil and gas industry, where it’s crucial that the products perform effectively and safely. If these products aren’t effective, it can be detrimental to the plant and result in excessive damage. The innovative and unique designs of the valves and fittings allow gas-filling stations and plants to operative efficiently and accurately.

These designs and products exceed the requirement of industry and customer specifications and adhere to government standards SUBSAFE Level 1. This means that the valves and fittings won’t fail under any circumstances. Each product operates on this standard, as there’s no way to separate this quality system from the products.

Beginning in the 1950s, CPV has partnered with the US Navy to equip vessels with valves and fittings that meet the Navy’s requirements. The need for accurate products even led to the development of CPV’s O-SEAL fittings. The Navy, as well as other industrial customers, have benefited greatly from leak-proof and reliable connections that this innovation provides.

US Navy ships can’t afford to fail, and that’s why they rely on these O-SEAL valves and fittings to help assure safe operation. These revolutionary designs include a better globe for pressures to 6,000 psi. The system allows slip-in/slip-out speed and efficiency. The O-SEAL system can also hold up to heavy vibrations or pressure surges more effectively than gasket or metal-to-metal seals.

CPV products are also used in Navy ships’ Freon-based refrigerator and air conditioning systems as well as elevator systems that lift the aircraft to the flight deck and in arresting gear that catches the aircraft on its return. CPV products are found in air and hydraulic systems throughout the Navy and many other critical applications.

When you understand the quality of these products, you’ll get a better idea of why you should consider products that meet government-level standards for your commercial filling plant. Products that meet government-level standards are designed for the toughest conditions and made to do the most difficult jobs. The US Navy is confident in CPV products, which provide the Navy with peace of mind that their vessels are properly equipped with the highest quality of valves and fittings.

CPV is known worldwide for state-of-the-art design, quality, safety, and reliability. Make sure that your filling plant is equipped with high-quality valves and fittings that meet government-level standard in order to run the most efficient and accurate plant.

To learn more about CPV Manufacturing and their products, contact us today!