Data as an Asset: Why Manufacturers Need to Invest in Managing and Collecting Data

The importance of collecting data is especially relevant when it comes to manufacturing. Companies must collect and manage data in order to identify new opportunities and develop different ideas.

Analyzing data can lead to discoveries that may increase productivity and lead to better operations within the plant. By collecting and transmitting data, companies have the opportunity to discover trends or patterns that can indicate what should be changed.

Find out more about how the industry is shifting toward this mindset and see how it can benefit your company.

Collecting Data

Collecting dataPart of the challenge of collecting data for manufacturers is that companies fail to identify what they want to learn. Data must be studied and understood rather than just collected. If it’s only collected, it won’t be beneficial to your company.

In a Plant Engineering article, Pete Karns, vice president of offering management for IBM, discusses data analysis and its importance in a plant. He says, “The Internet of Things (IoT) is doing something differently with data than you’ve done before. We can talk about connectivity and millions of sensors, but it’s just about doing something different with data. What we’re seeing first is the types of data are there, but it’s hard to work with.”

Managing the Data

Karns also notes that “we’re evolving to a much more powerful way of using the data to help us look beyond our own biases.” Manufacturers should begin adapting to this new era and incorporate data management into their everyday operations.

manufacturing dataIn the same Plant Engineering article, Jagannath Rao, president of Siemens USA’s customer service division, notes, “This is the future of manufacturing: machines talk to machines, robots working in collaboration with each other, machines knowing the state of their own health. It’s the next level of asset analysis. This is going to be the future, and some companies already are on board.”

More and more companies are adopting this new way of operating, which will help their operations improve and increase their revenue. If companies fail to adopt it, they’ll fall behind. Rao states, “By 2025, 85% of manufacturing will be connected. If you’re not on the bandwagon, you will lose your competitive advantage.”

Data Management Tools

To help manufacturers improve their data collection and management, tools are being developed and put in place to obtain and analyze data quickly.

A recent Manufacturing Engineering article discusses data collection and monitoring solutions, stating that they’re “already helping manufacturing operations management to see, analyze and quickly act upon time-sensitive data coming off the shop floor.”

Look into adopting data management tools for your manufacturing plant to stay ahead of the competition and accurately control your operations.

If you need high-quality products for your plant, browse CPV Manufacturing Products online or contact us directly to learn more about our valve and fittings.

Is Your Plant Safe? The Most Common (and Preventable) Causes of Workplace Accidents

Making sure your plant is safe and operating properly is one of the most important parts of your job. Plant operations can be very dangerous, especially if caution isn’t taken and there’s not a sound safety system in place. Typically, there is a lot of chaos in manufacturing and process plants. There are many workers and a lot of equipment that can malfunction and cause a serious emergency or issue.

Learn more about common workplace accidents that occur often and how you can prevent them.

Common Workplace Accidents


Heavy liftingHeavy lifting is definitely a concern at many plants. Employees are prone to sprain, strain or tear a muscle while lifting an object that is too heavy to lift on their own. Make sure employees are trained to lift objects properly and to know what objects are too heavy for them to lift on their own.


If employees don’t take breaks after completely very strenuous activities, it’s common for them to experience severe fatigue which can lead to even more serious accidents. Make sure there is an adequate number of employees assigned to one specific job in order to avoid this issue, and


safe liftingMany plants contain hazardous materials that need to be transported and handled. A common cause of an accident in the workplace is if these hazardous materials are handled improperly or a worker is not wearing the appropriate protective equipment. Make sure safety data sheets are provided, as well as the appropriate protective attire.

Workplace Safety Improvements


Without proper communication in regards to an emergency occurring in the plant, personnel and assets may be at risk and end up being subject to a serious incident. Your employees and contractors are your most important assets and it’s crucial that they’re safe in the case of an emergency. One way to get the word out is by setting up an emergency notification system that accomplishes this quickly and reliably.

Control Global’s ION Emergency Notification produces audio alerts, visual strobes and verbal instruction with the action that should be taken. “The end result is better emergency management and resource deployment, shelter-in-place or evacuation guidance, organized coordination with internal and external teams and resources, and status updates throughout the duration of an incident.”

Wireless Hazardous Material Tracking

Handling hazardous materials in plants poses its own set of risk, such as product tampering, contamination, spills, and explosions that can result in damage. To combat these emergencies, Control Global’s Ion Hazardous Material Tracking Solution “provides complete asset visibility for all hazardous containers as they move throughout a facility or between facilities.”

The Ion Hazardous Material Tracking Solution also enables:

  • Views on all HazMat containers exposing regulatory compliance status
  • Use photos and drawings of a facility to easily locate specific HazMat containers immediately
  • Maintain scheduled maintenance
  • Easily add new wireless applications under a single infrastructure

CPV Manufacturing is a leading manufacturer of valves and fittings used in manufacturing and process plants. You can browse our valves and fittings online or contact us directly for more information.

How to Uncover the Hidden Operating Costs of Manufacturing Plants

When operating a manufacturing plant, it’s important to be aware of all of the costs that are associated with running it. There’s been a need for management to become aware of the hidden operating costs that are accruing and being overlooked, which causes a big impact on the bottom line.

hidden operating costsUncovering otherwise overlooked data can help manufacturing plants understand certain costs or reasons that they’re being inefficient. Using tools to monitor what you’re spending money on and how much, as well as data reporting to collect and analyze this information, can help you uncover hidden costs. There are different methods to learn about these costs, and it’s important to find the one that’s right for your business.

Learn more about how to get to the bottom of the hidden operating costs that your plant has been dealing with.

Audit Your Energy Use to Uncover Hidden Operating Costs

Incorporate an energy auditing program in your manufacturing plant to find out exactly how much electricity you’re using. Plants are becoming more energy efficient due to reducing emissions as well as to cutting down on their costs.

hidden operating costsPaul Twite of 24-7 Power, an electrical consulting and engineering service company, tells ReliablePlant about the three-step approach that helps companies lower their energy bills. These three steps are reviewing utility bills; using thermal imagers to scan the electrical, mechanical, process, and HVAC systems and building envelope; and monitoring power consumption and other aspects of energy use.

Here’s a breakdown of each step:

  1. Reviewing utility bills: The main objective here is to find out where the energy you’re using is going. Utility meters aren’t always one hundred percent correct, and they can malfunction over time. Part of the energy auditing process is to double check the utility and make sure that it’s operating correctly and giving a proper read.
  2. Analysis and identifying problems: The data will be analyzed, which will then lead to determining if there are any issues with any of the systems. The auditor will also assess how efficient the lighting systems, HVAC systems, motors, and other plant equipment are.
  3. Proposing and prioritizing solutions: This step involves addressing problems that were uncovered in the previous two steps. You’ll need to develop solutions and determine action items in order to improve the problem.

Stay in the Loop with New Technology

New technologies are constantly being created in order for you to reduce the amount of energy that you use within your plants. Staying aware of these new advances can help you find opportunities to incorporate them in your own plant. Be on the lookout for solar-powered tools or energy-efficient lighting and determine where they could fit.

Manufacturing plants are spending more on electricity than they should be. The good news is that there are ways to determine if you’re spending more than you should be, and there are always plenty of ways to reduce these high energy costs.

If you’re interested in high-quality valves and fittings, click here to contact CPV Manufacturing.

The Evolution of Industrial Manufacturing: Industry Predictions and Projections for 2016

Industrial manufacturing is constantly adapting and being altered based on needs that must be met as well as products that must be created. Manufacturers are looking toward the future, reinventing their enterprises and utilizing advanced technologies to create solid strategies.

Find out more about the changes predicted for industrial manufacturing and what it could mean for your business.

Cloud Deployment

According to,Industrial Manufacturing Predictions  manufacturers are beginning their journeys into the future starting at cloud deployment. These technologies store data affordably and logically. Manufacturers will test different concepts and transition to cloud solutions.

These steps may be taken slowly to ensure that they’re working for the manufacturers by moving one department to the cloud at a time.


Manufacturers will also begin to focus on network security as they incorporate more mobile and social solutions into their strategy. They’ll equate security with technology because of the increase of advanced features that are being used. Manufacturers will look to industries such as medical device manufacturing when it comes to security and traceability.

Data stated that an estimates 50 billion devices will be connected by 2030. This year, manufacturers will begin to create an IoT strategy and determine what they will do with this data that has been collecting over time. By putting the right tools into place, manufacturers will “be able to reach new heights of understanding about buying triggers and products in use.”

The Outcome

Industrial Manufacturing Predictions As industrial manufacturing improves, there’s a large impact on the job market that can lead to an improved US economy.

Technologies are creating efficiency among manufacturers, and as a result, US hires are becoming more affordable. While many companies in the US have outsourced their manufacturing jobs to developing countries to lower the cost of operation, others are increasing profit margins on products so product values increase in the eyes of the consumer.

People may mistakenly believe that with the increase in automation and the technologies that manufacturers will be incorporating, jobs will be lost. However, workers are needed to operate the machines rather than to be phased out by them.

A team is also needed to handle maintenance in the facility. Keeping track of inventory and handling it typically can’t be replicated with machinery. It can be managed with technology, but it’s still necessary for workers to be part of the process. states that “mobile collaboration and data synchronization is key to allowing your team to remain productive, moving the baton forward, no matter where they are.”

Technology and software will make operations more efficient, but it’s not possible without employees. In 2016, software solutions will play a big role in the advances that manufacturers are making. Solutions will also be deployed in the cloud and manufacturers will greatly benefit from these technologies in many ways.

Click here to contact CPV Manufacturing and learn about their high-quality valves and fittings.