Common Misconceptions About Cloud ERP Security

Every manufacturing business loves implementing the latest technologies in their facilities. However, many are hesitant about cloud ERP servers and their security, but are the myths about these systems true?

No, these myths aren’t true, and to help you understand why, we’ve debunked some of the most common misconceptions about cloud ERP security below.

Myth: The Cloud Isn’t Secure

Cloud ERP SecurityFear of technology is one of the most common issues the manufacturing industry deals with. That’s why many businesses choose to hire in-house IT workers, thinking they can better ensure security for their servers. However, using the cloud offers more peace of mind and protection.

IT resources can have a difficult time keeping up with viruses, malware, and hacks that occur daily. Implementing a cloud ERP makes it easier to spot and prevent harmful attacks on servers because these systems support application vulnerability, multi-layer firewall testing, and renowned facility security, according to

Myth: The Cloud Is Tedious to Use

Traditional security software requires you to install it to one server at a time and one location at a time. They may also need to have individual users log in to ensure complete security. However, that’s not the case when you use a cloud ERP.

Cloud ERP SecuritySecurity for the cloud system is automatically applied for all users at the same time, so there’s no waiting and no multiple installations. Instead your servers get immediate security without interruption.

Myth: The Cloud Isn’t Reliable

With highly publicized cloud interruptions frequently popping up on news sites, many are under the assumption that outages happen more often in the cloud. Because of this, businesses believe that storing their ERP servers in an IT closet or rack in their facility ensures less downtime.

However, if those servers aren’t properly backed up or if they fail, businesses can experience severe downtime. In fact, states that businesses using regular ERP servers get more than an hour of unplanned IT downtime every month. Those using a cloud ERP may only experience a few minutes of downtime.

Myth: Maintaining a Cloud ERP Is Expensive

A cloud ERP may be an advanced tool, but compared to traditional ERP servers, they’re not as expensive as you may think, especially when it comes to software updates.

Cloud ERP systems use versionless software that’s updated in real time, so it doesn’t make an impact in the background. Thanks to this, businesses using cloud ERP systems won’t have to spend extra money on server purchases and disruptive software upgrades.

Cloud ERP servers are reliable and secure, and they can help your business run smoother. So don’t let the myths and misconceptions about these systems hold back your manufacturing business.

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Technology Improving Offshore Energy Resources Development & Maintenance

Throughout the years, technologies have become a necessity for boosting the performance and overall operation of every industry on the planet. Now, a recent study by BP states that new technologies are set to boost the energy production industry.

oil barrelAccording to David Eyton, the BP Group head of technology, these new technologies could make the energy supply and consumption safer and more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable. “These technologies are already transforming the oil and gas industry, and the longer term possibilities are frankly difficult to imagine,” he said.

A recent article by notes that applying new technologies could increase resources from 2.3 million barrels of oil to 4.8 trillion barrels. That’s twice as much needed to meet the projected cumulative demand through to 2050.

Read on to learn more about the new technologies that are set to benefit the maintenance and development.

Seismic Imaging

Seismic imaging technologies are used to identify, access, explore, and recover oil, gas, and other minerals. Since the 1990s, 3D seismic imaging has helped to boost successful exploration rates of oil and gas. Now, this technology is more advanced and can even illuminate the subsurface from different orientations to find oil and gas resources quickly and easily.

With this and other advanced imaging technologies, the industry can easily find resource “sweet spots” that will be of great value. Plus these advancements will allow them to better understand subsurface factors such as reservoir structure and rock and fluid structure. According to BP, understanding these factors is critical to cost-effective, large-scale developments and maximizing the recovery of unconventional hydrocarbons.

Digital Technologies

energy plantBP also states that digital technologies will help to boost offshore energy production. These will make radical changes in how energy is used, extracted, and found, thus opening opportunities for more efficient operations through unparalleled levels of data analysis.

An example of digital technologies in the oil and gas industry are sensors in pumps, wells, appliances, and other equipment. These can connect to data collection machines and deliver real-time information on field activities. Intelligent wells will also provide advanced updates on well conditions.

Both of these as well as other digital technologies will help the industry to find oil and gas resources and provide more efficient ways to operate refineries.

Wind and Solar Technologies

In terms of offshore wind and solar energy production, many technologies will provide immense benefits. Advances in structure design, floating platforms, and foundations to support larger-scale towers would provide open access to wind resources at more than 200 meters in water depth.

Drones and 3D Scanning

Robotics and unarmed systems technologies like drones will help to benefit the offshore oil and gas industry. The report said they’ll be able to inspect difficult-to-access elements and areas deemed unsafe for humans.

On top of that, Managing Aging Plants mentions that 3D scanning can be implemented to work with the drones for easier maintenance.

As the drone flies around the plant, the camera attached to it will capture images of the systems in place. Then software will stitch together each photo and create a 3D model to give workers an accurate, high-resolution look of a surface, object, or area to monitor in the plant and see the spots where maintenance is needed.

In today’s age, technologies are becoming more and more critical to many industries across the globe including the oil and gas industry.

CPV Manufacturing is proud to provide the oil and gas industry with high-quality valves and fitting. To learn more about our products, contact us today.

The Growing Trend of Simulation Technology in the Oil and Gas Sector

As the price of oil drops, hydrocarbon companies are beginning to look at ways to reduce their own costs. Simulation technology is a way for the oil and gas industry to be innovative and uncover unused capacity or capability.

Understanding Simulation Technology

Simulation Technology
In an article regarding simulation technology, Control Engineering describe it as “is the science and art of replicating the essential elements of a problem or opportunity. It is not digital twinning, where one attempts to copy reality. Rather, is designed to mimic reality in a controlled environment.”

Why to Use Simulation

Although it’s not widely adopted in the industry yet, but based on results from those who have used it, it’s definitely something to consider, especially to uncover unused capacity or capability. Control Engineering has outlined some of the main ways simulation technology can be helpful:

  • Users can experiment with different physical configurations or operating schedules before making changes in their facilities.
  • There is a possibility of creating and modifying individual and collective behaviors through the use of simple logic or business rules, such as blending, crude management, or batch sequencing.
  • Simulation TechnologyUsers can find practical ways of exploring existing assets, discovering unseen relationships, and improving opportunities.
  • There is a potential for interaction with users that increases the engagement at different levels (i.e., schedulers, managers, executives, etc.).
  • Communicating with other systems, such as reservoir simulators, instrument sensors, and control centers; and incorporating the information (past or real time) as input into the simulation.

The Relationship Between Games and Simulation

The Entertainment Software Association Foundation found that 155 million Americans play video games, and that 70% of senior executives play games during work hours. Gaming encourages collaborative play and problem solving. Many games are also easy and convenient, as it’s possible to play on computers, tablets and smart phones.

In many ways, simulation can be considered a game. Simulation technology involves tweaking variables and finding the best solution to a problem, just like a player wins a game.

The Benefits of Simulation

The oil and gas industry is late to utilizing simulation technology, but many other industries have found great success and consider simulation a fundamental tool. Industries such as telecommunications, logistics, healthcare and financial services are using simulation to innovate and uncover unused capabilities. Control Engineering details two examples from 3M and Airbus. “U.S. industrial manufacturer 3M uses simulation to support decisions in their supply chain management. The French aircraft company Airbus uses simulation to control the manufacturing process of airplanes. In addition, some hospitals have implemented simulation to train staff and allocate resources based on workflow and forecasted patient inflow.”

CPV Manufacturing’s valves and fittings are used worldwide in the gas and oil industry. Browse our valves and fittings online or contact us directly for more information about how CPV can help your plant.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Promises Change on the Horizon for the Industrial Sector

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a rising trend and is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing. In the manufacturing industry, it’s important to understand how this idea works.

Industrial Internet of ThingsAccording to the Internet of Things Agenda, “IIoT incorporates machine learning and big data technology, harnessing the sensor data, machine-to-machine communication and automation technologies that have existed in industrial settings for years. The driving philosophy behind the IIoT is that smart machines are better than humans at accurately, consistently capturing and communicating data.”

Learn more about the IIoT and what it can mean for process manufacturing.

What Benefits Come from Industrial Internet of Things?

As IIoT is becoming more popular and industry experts are continuing to discuss its importance, opportunities are growing. Manufacturers are utilizing IIoT to identify the ways that their processes are inefficient and turning them into more beneficial practices.

Learn more about these benefits and how manufacturers are using them to improve their businesses.

Improving Profitability for Manufacturers

According to Plant EngineeringIndustrial Internet of Things, “IIoT can deliver improved traceability for better supply chain efficiency, which brings about faster production and lower costs.” This kind of technology captures and communicates data more efficiently in order for the manufacturer to better analyze their own operations.

Utilizing the connected devices and dynamic QR codes from IIoT also allows manufacturers to improve their customer service. Because of the efficiency of information and data transfer, operators can solve problems more efficiently.

Profits tend to increase as the IIoT helps manufacturers become focused on providing customer satisfaction. They have the flexibility required to meet customer needs and generate new business opportunities.

Benefits Differ Between End Users and OEMs

Manufacturers aren’t the only ones who reap benefits from IIoT. End users can utilize the information and operation technology to incorporate smart machines, generating a smart factory. Plant Engineering details, “With these changes, there is an opportunity to provide a connection point that delivers a holistic view of operations from the shop floor to the top floor.”

However, OEMs are looking to improve the performance of the machines in order to keep up with the production status and demands within the plant. They’re also looking to improve the maintenance and safety throughout the plant, so they must take advantage of the opportunities that the IIoT provides.

Understanding Process Manufacturing

In a Plant Engineering article, Andy Chatha, president of ARC Advisory Group, noted that manufacturing innovation is being driven by new technologies such as IIoT. He states, “IIoT connects previously stranded data from smart sensors, equipment, and other industrial assets with predictive analytics and other advanced applications running both in-plant on edge computer devices and remotely in the cloud.”

IIoT could be driving a transformation in manufacturing. Utilizing computing devices both remotely and in the cloud gives manufacturers the opportunity to connect with data that has been stranded. Manufacturers should be learning all they can about IIoT and find out how it can help them run their plants more effectively and to be more profitable.

Click here to contact CPV Manufacturing for information about high-quality valves and fittings.

The Evolution of Industrial Manufacturing: Industry Predictions and Projections for 2016

Industrial manufacturing is constantly adapting and being altered based on needs that must be met as well as products that must be created. Manufacturers are looking toward the future, reinventing their enterprises and utilizing advanced technologies to create solid strategies.

Find out more about the changes predicted for industrial manufacturing and what it could mean for your business.

Cloud Deployment

According to,Industrial Manufacturing Predictions  manufacturers are beginning their journeys into the future starting at cloud deployment. These technologies store data affordably and logically. Manufacturers will test different concepts and transition to cloud solutions.

These steps may be taken slowly to ensure that they’re working for the manufacturers by moving one department to the cloud at a time.


Manufacturers will also begin to focus on network security as they incorporate more mobile and social solutions into their strategy. They’ll equate security with technology because of the increase of advanced features that are being used. Manufacturers will look to industries such as medical device manufacturing when it comes to security and traceability.

Data stated that an estimates 50 billion devices will be connected by 2030. This year, manufacturers will begin to create an IoT strategy and determine what they will do with this data that has been collecting over time. By putting the right tools into place, manufacturers will “be able to reach new heights of understanding about buying triggers and products in use.”

The Outcome

Industrial Manufacturing Predictions As industrial manufacturing improves, there’s a large impact on the job market that can lead to an improved US economy.

Technologies are creating efficiency among manufacturers, and as a result, US hires are becoming more affordable. While many companies in the US have outsourced their manufacturing jobs to developing countries to lower the cost of operation, others are increasing profit margins on products so product values increase in the eyes of the consumer.

People may mistakenly believe that with the increase in automation and the technologies that manufacturers will be incorporating, jobs will be lost. However, workers are needed to operate the machines rather than to be phased out by them.

A team is also needed to handle maintenance in the facility. Keeping track of inventory and handling it typically can’t be replicated with machinery. It can be managed with technology, but it’s still necessary for workers to be part of the process. states that “mobile collaboration and data synchronization is key to allowing your team to remain productive, moving the baton forward, no matter where they are.”

Technology and software will make operations more efficient, but it’s not possible without employees. In 2016, software solutions will play a big role in the advances that manufacturers are making. Solutions will also be deployed in the cloud and manufacturers will greatly benefit from these technologies in many ways.

Click here to contact CPV Manufacturing and learn about their high-quality valves and fittings.

Keeping Your Cylinders Safe from Theft: Solutions for Cylinder Tracking and Security

Missing cylinders has been an issue in the gas industry, creating a disastrous problem for gas distributors. Their response was installing increasingly sophisticated tracking and management systems.

Cylinders It’s crucial to be on high alert for cylinder theft. The trend of using nitrous oxide as a recreational drug has led to increased robberies, causing companies to lose revenue. As metal prices spike, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to continuously replace lost cylinders.

There are many options when it comes to cylinder management, such as inventory audits, customer invoicing, bar coding, transponders, or a combination of these methods.

Find out more about what gas distributors are doing to prevent cylinder theft.


Barcoding cylinders was a tracking technique in use for a while, but the typical barcode tracking system had many disadvantages, such as low memory, non-rewritable property, and high-sensitivity toward direct light and moisture.

The growing competition in the industry caused companies to seek alternative methods for cylinder tracking.

RFID Tracking

Cylinders Companies that were open to modern technology and innovation adopted radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology.

RFID proved to be more cost-effective than barcoding technology, which is always a positive in the industry and profitability. The biggest advantage to RFID, however, was the lack of labor that it required. It didn’t rely on humans to operate. Instead, it required three main components: a scanning antenna, a transceiver, and RFID tags.

Benefits of Sophisticated Logistics Solutions

These refined solutions offer many benefits that work to keep your cylinders safe rather than untracked and open for theft.

  • Real-time data: With old methods, you never knew where your cylinders were. Modern solutions allow you to access accurate data in a timely manner in order to make more informed decisions.
  • More accuracy in deliveries: With this technology, the correct cylinder gets to the right customer every time.
  • Safety of workers and customers:When cylinders that are damaged or on a recall list are delivered to a company location for servicing, it could be dangerous for workers or customers. Logistics solutions can eliminate these cylinders so the right product is delivered and safety is never compromised.
  • Cost-efficiency: With these solutions, the process is improved and automated, meaning that the cost is reduced and error is eliminated. With the elimination of error, there won’t be money spent on correction. Automated operations deliver a large cost reduction.
  • Adaptable dynamic solutions: They utilize architecture that’s flexible, so it can be adapted to any plant.

Consider these methods to keep your cylinders safe from theft and reduce the amount of money your company is spending replacing missing cylinders.

CPV Manufacturing serves the following industries: ship building, petrochemical, and industrial gases. In these industries, valves and fittings must be high quality and perform efficiently and accurately. A faulty product could result in disastrous damage, and that’s why companies in these industries rely on CPV for their non-failing valves and fittings.

Contact CPV Manufacturing for more information.

A Paperless Future: Getting Your Fleet On Board with the FMCSA’s ELD Mandate

For the management and operations of compressed gas, adhering to compliance is crucial for safety, as failing to do so could produce disastrous results.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released the final rule on Electric Logging Devices (ELDs) and Hours of Service (HOS) on December 16th, 2015. The ELD mandate replaces the current rules to increase driver and public safety by preventing drivers from misrepresenting their time on logbooks.

In March 2014, the FMCSA announced the proposal to begin creating the documents detailing regulations. Immediately following this announcement, the three-month comment period opened, with the mandate being published in December 2015.

Mandate Overview

driving truckThe FMCSA’s mandate expresses that in two years, it’s required for all drivers of commercial motor vehicles who are subjected to log book requirements to use an ELD.

Short-haul drivers who do not prepare a driver log, because they meet the 100 mile (for CDL drivers) or 150 mile (for non-CDL drivers) are not subject to the ELD requirements. If at any time these drivers exceed the limits of the log book exemption more than eight times in a 30-day period, they are subject to the ELD requirements.

The rule also requires motor carriers to carry up to eight supporting documents for every 24-hour period a driver using an ELD is on duty. The documents must meet the following criteria:

  • Driver name or carrier-assigned identification number
    • on the document or on another document enabling the carrier to link the document to the driver
    • or the vehicle unit number if that number can be linked to the driver;
    • Date
    • Location
    • Time

truck driving 2If a driver submits more than eight documents to the motor carrier for a single day, the motor carrier must include the first and last documents for that day among the eight documents that must be retained.  If a driver submits fewer than eight documents, the motor carrier must keep each document.

The supporting documents that must consist of the following five categories:

  • Bills of lading, itineraries, schedules, or equivalent documents that indicate the origin and destination of each trip
  • Dispatch or trip records
  • Expense receipts
  • Electronic mobile communication records that communications transmitted through a fleet management system
  • Payroll records, settlement sheets, or equivalent documents that indicates payment to a driver.

The final rule also prohibits using an ELD in the harassment of CMV drivers.

Major Benefits

The main benefits include reducing cost, reducing risk, and increasing revenue.

The ELD mandate will reduce fuel and labor costs, as well as yearly vehicle replacement costs.

By completing more jobs per day, eliminating non-revenue generating trips, and providing proof of delivery for payment, revenue will increase as well.

It also eliminates HOS violations and aims to reduce accidents. The location intelligent is also in place to improve safety.

The ELD mandate will also help CPV Manufacturing be more efficient. Click here to learn more about CPV Manufacturing and their products.