A Closer Look at Different Types of Valves

When you think about it, valves are pretty interesting. They are designed to control the pressure and
flow of gas or liquid within a process or a system. Some valves are automatic (self-operated) while
others have to be opened and closed manually.
If you are in the aerospace, manufacturing, shipbuilding, oil and gas or a wide array of other
industries, chances are you know more about the different types of valves than most people.
However, for those who are interested in getting some first-hand knowledge about valves, the
information found here should be enlightening.
Shutoff Valves
As the name implies, a shutoff valve turns something on or off. They can either allow a full flow to
move through or completely stop it.
Shutoff valves are available to work on their own (automatically) or manually. These are not used
for controlling the flow of the material.
Gate Valves
This valve is usually found on wider parts of a pipe. They are often used to control the flow of
heavy viscous liquids
A gate valve can be found in several varieties, including non-rising and rising stems. There are also
gate valves that come with split wedges, flexible wedges, or solid wedges.
Control Valves
This type of valve serves as the correcting element of a control loop. The control valve is typically
operated automatically, but there are also some that can be operated by hand.
There are several different types of control valves. Some of the most common include:
Check valves
Needle valves
Pinch valves
Ball and Plug valves
Butterfly valves
Each one has the same main function but operates slightly differently from the others.
Strainer Valves
The strainer valve works to separate solids and liquids. They allow the fluid to flow freely but keep
the solids separate.
With this protection ability in place, the valve can help to prevent blockages caused by foreign
matter. If a blockage moves into the main system, it could cause a complete failure or malfunction.
The strainer valve is also often used in air systems. In this application, it helps to get rid of any
moisture that may be present.
Vent Head Valves
A vent head valve is commonly referred to as an air pipe head or air vent valve. It works to control
the air present inside pipes that carry fluids moved by pressure from pumps.
The main function of the vent head valve is to help reduce turbulence, flow, and potential damage
from shaking pipes by giving excess air in the pipe a way to escape.
Understanding the Different Types of Valves
The fact is, valves are present in many types of everyday items. Getting to know the different types
of valves can help you better understand what they do and how they work.
Additional information about valves, how they work, and to order parts can be found by contacting us.
We provide valves for virtually every purpose, in any industry.