Globe Valve Direction Flow

Globe valves have become one of the most-used valves in companies in almost every industry. And with their ability to start, stop, and throttle fluid flow within a pipeline, it’s easy to see why. But how exactly do these valves work and what’s the globe valve direction flow? Read on to find out.

How Do Globe Valves Work?

Globe valves
Globe Valve Direction Flow stop, start, and throttle the flow of a system depending on its operational position (fully or partially opened or closed). The valve is made of a spherical body and uses a disc to regulate the fluid flow within a pipeline. When the disc is positioned further away from the seat, more fluid will flow through the valve. When it’s closer to the seat, less fluid can pass through the system.

Generally, globe valves are used in systems such as flow-regulated fuel oil systems, flow-regulated cooling water system, and boiler, main steam, and heater vents and drains.

The construction and design of globe valves also makes them an ideal component for high-pressure and high-temperature systems. Plus they’re known to have less seat leakage than other types of valves.

Globe Valve Direction Flow

The most important thing to understand about globe valve direction flow is that they have specific flow directions. Depending on the application, a globe valve will have fluid flow above or below the disc.

Globe Valve Direction FlowGlobe valves designed to have the pressure flowing under the disc are used in low-pressure and low-temperature applications such as general plumbing. This type of flow direction lets the disc to rotate freely on the valve stem. This allows the disc to fit properly against the seat as the valve closes, which results in less seat leakage

Globe valves can also have pressure flow above the seat when applied as part of high-pressure and high-temperature systems. This type of flow direction helps to prevent the stem from contracting when it cools down and will keep the disc from lifting off the seat.

To determine the globe valve flow direction, simply look at its body. Here, you should find an arrow indicating the valve flow direction.

Selecting the Right Globe Valve

The easiest way to choose the right globe valve for your company is to think about the application that you need to use it for. Those looking to regulate the flow of a basic system that operates with low-temperature and low-pressure materials should select a globe valve designed to have pressure flow under the seat. Those that need a valve to withstand more severe conditions should choose a globe valve that allows pressure to flow above the disc.

To learn more about globe valve flow direction and how to select the best valve for your plant, contact CPV Manufacturing today.


About the Author:

Joshua Raizman
Senior Applications Engineer
Joshua joined CPV as a mechanical engineer in 2008, following co-op assignments as an engineer at the Naval Air Engineering Center, where he received a Secret security clearance, and as a reliability engineer at ATA Airlines. He has held a variety of engineering and applications positions at CPV. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Drexel University