Reading Pressure Reliefs and Avoiding Pressure Relief Valve Problems

Systems design is the most important thing that flies under the radar. Without a well-designed system, there’s no business. Everyone knows it, but no one ever seems to acknowledge just how large of an impact design has on the end result.

And if systems design gets ignored, pressure release systems are completely forgotten. The very thing keeping every safe somehow gets pushed to the back of the class.

So today, we’re talking about pressure reliefs, why they’re important, and how to avoid problems.

Pressure Release Valve Refresher

Pressure reliefs ensure that whatever you have under pressure doesn’t, for lack of a better term, explode. They’re built into countless applications and aren’t something that the average site manager concerns themselves with on a daily basis.

That said, pressure release valves are something that everyone should understand. The proper valve ensures your system runs efficiently and safely, saving you time and money in both the short and long term.

Choosing the correct valve for your system is crucial to running a successful operation. Since not every system is the same, not every valve is the same. Some valves only work for certain substances.

Understanding Your Valve

Understanding your pressure release valve means understanding your entire system. You should know the why’s and how’s of your valve, and that’s only possible if you understand the why’s and how’s of your operation.

For valve specific questions, make sure to consult the valve manufacturer. They’ll have specific documentation that can help you troubleshoot problems if they should arise.

However, you should always try to…

Avoid Problems

Avoiding problems is an enormous scope, so we’re starting small and giving an overview of the best practice to keep your pressure relief system safe and working.

Your time avoiding problems starts at the onset of the system design. You need to detect and eliminate installation deficiencies, primarily by understanding how your PRS components work.

Next, you need to identify problem scenarios. Weigh scenarios based on your specific design for the best results. Planning for unrealistic scenarios decreases efficiency while overlooking scenarios decreases safety.

That said, always design for certain problems like blocked outlet and overfilling, heat and material imbalance, failure of automatic controls, inadvertent valve opening (including reverse flow), and heat exchange failure.

You’ll want to talk out all these plans with your engineers to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Buying Pressure Reliefs

Buying pressure reliefs isn’t straightforward. You need to find a supplier that carries the valves you need, and someone who’s willing an expert on their products.

Never compromise when you’re talking about system security. So if you’re looking to buy a PRS valve, get in contact with us. We can help you outfit your system for maximum efficiency and safety.

About the Author:

Joshua Raizman
Senior Applications Engineer
Joshua joined CPV as a mechanical engineer in 2008, following co-op assignments as an engineer at the Naval Air Engineering Center, where he received a Secret security clearance, and as a reliability engineer at ATA Airlines. He has held a variety of engineering and applications positions at CPV. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Drexel University