Valve and Fitting Requirements for Ships and Submarines
Civilian sailors and navy members across the globe depend on CPV manufacturing to keep them floating out on many different lakes and seas. In the shipbuilding and submarine industry, fluid control valves and piping are vital for the operation of marine vessels. The integrity of a ship or submarine can often come down to a single valve or fitting. Pipeline systems and valves used in marine operations must stand up to unique environments and conditions. Here are some of the challenges that valves, and fittings must be designed for in a marine environment.
Corrosion Resistance
Pipelines and control valves that carry sea water or bilge water are vulnerable to rust and corrosion. Corrosion can also occur from moisture in the air around a pipeline. Many external and internal pipes and valves must have corrosion and rust resistant shielding materials on the inside and outside of the pipeline.
Pressure Spike Resistance
Valves and fittings are often the points of extreme pressure in a marine piping system. Everything from nuclear submarines to gigantic shipping tankers depend on the integrity of valves and fittings during pressure spikes. This means that marine valves and fittings must have high quality materials and the right designs to handle extreme pressure.
Expansion Resistance
Pipelines in marine environments are often exposed to drastically different temperatures, and the metal can expand and contract as a result. Valves and fittings must be able to withstand expansion and contraction in a piping system without warping or allowing a rupture.
Cleaning and Maintenance
The cleaning and maintenance of ship and submarine pipelines, valves, and fittings is an important part of keeping everything functioning properly. This can prevent wear and corrosion and notify crews of potential problems. These systems must be visible and accessible for cleaning and maintenance. Automated valves in tight spaces need to be able to be cleaned as well.
Valve Types
On ships and submarines, having the right type of valve in place is imperative. The wrong valve for a certain type of material can be catastrophic. Make sure to research the proper type of valve for each pipeline in the marine industry.
At CPV Manufacturing, we have decades of experience creating valves and fittings for both the US Navy and the shipbuilding industry. For assistance selecting the correct valve and fitting for your application, contact our team at